Suitable refreshment for Walpurgis Night according to Comrade Bulgakov

“We know that our forefathers very generally kept the beginning of May as a great festival, and it is still regarded as the trysting time of witches – i.e. once of wise-women and fays; who can doubt that heathen sacrifices blazed on that day?” – Jacob Grimm ‘Teutonic Mythology’  The ultimate Walpurgis Night party was…

My Furry Valentine

If you’re looking for a different way to celebrate St. Valentine’s Day this year, why not indulge in a little light lycanthropy? The spirit of the wolf can help us all connect with our inner power and stamina. The festival of St Valentine took over from the previous Roman wolf-themed festival of Lupercalia, which had…

Bread & Salt

Now that the festival of Lammas is here, we can plan a Bread & Salt rite which you can integrate into any picnic or summer social gathering to celebrate the harvest with your friends and family. This is the traditional time to make and eat Lammas Loaves which represent the body of the earth Goddess…

Passion Potion

Witches have been famous for supplying aids to seduction throughout the ages. A lot of these included revolting or hard-to-find ingredients like mandrake, powdered cats eyes, or that tired old “aphrodisiac” Spanish Fly. Spanish Fly is an irritant, that’s all, and can sometimes produce an uncomfortable stiffening effect on the male. It doesn’t affect women…

Dream A Little Dream of Me

“Is all that we see or seem, but a dream within a dream?” – Edgar Allan Poe “I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I’m awake, you know?” – Ernest Hemingway Hey there all you cool cats and kittens – let’s make a Love Dream! This is a spell to…

A Frigga Blót with Runes & Lagoons

Today is the day of Frigga’s Blot –  much more than just the wife of the All-Father Odin, she is the goddess of prophecy & silence, wifehood & motherhood. She is a sky goddess, responsible for spinning and weaving the fates.  To celebrate Frigga this Friday, a domestic setting is appropriate, as she is closely…

Ultra Violence with Ultra Violets

As I stand packed in with a throng of folk whose average age is 65-70, mixed flowers are being thrown madly in all directions. A Gallic rave remix of popular tunes (Le Lapin Jive?) is blasting over a powerful sound system, a light icy drizzle is falling and everybody’s blood is up. A carnation hits…

Drown your sorrows & fly away with the Green Fairy

For some people, Valentine’s Day is a happy day of fun and romance, when you cheerfully overpay for food and drink and circulate photographs of delivered flowers, cards and gifts on social media with hashtags like #truelove #happy #spoilt or #smug. There you sit, in your bowl of cherries covered with chocolate-coated rose petals taking…

The Two of Cups: A Love Spell Cocktail and Truffles for Valentine’s Day

As Valentine’s Day draws near, our thoughts turn to love, romance and flowers.  The Two of Cups is the tarot card that represents an ideal relationship between two people where there is balance, respect and genuine love. Parfait Amour (“perfect love” in French) is a violet-hued liqueur that tastes like a Victorian love potion combining the essences…

Friday’s child works hard for a living

Thrice the brindled cat hath mew’d. Thrice and once the hedge-pig whined. Bartenders say “‘Tis time, ’tis time.” Round about the shaker go; In the lychee liqueur throw. Vodka, that under cold stone Days and nights has thirty-one Lychee flesh and rose sirop, Muddle first i’ the charmed pot.